One simple method of Zen training that allowed me to overcome my post-traumatic stress disorder and unleash creativity. And reading the blog from the beginning, you can practise it without a teacher

Thursday, August 1, 2024


Free Will - 2

So I think of free will as the ability to make choices undetermined by past events; I reckon it's real and in my previous post I explained how it works, but of course there's no way for me to prove that I'm right. The reason I can't prove it is that being in this state of mind when time flows from the future to the past, i.e. seeing the world from the prospective of the centre of the universe,* is a subjective experience by definition since in this state you're on your own.

Now remember Waugh's model:**  there're two different frames of reference/viewpoints: the centre of the universe viewpoint, and the viewpoint of humans from an awkward position in the universe. Relativity is our viewpoint, while Quantum Mechanics is Nature's viewpoint from the centre of the universe. The universe, and time in particular, is perceived differently from each viewpoint, and it's precisely this which allows the reconciliation between General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics.

We can also add that it's precisely this which makes free will possible. So the reason I can't prove that it's sometimes possible to make decisions undetermined by the past -- actually, it's even a more general problem, for example, many feel that Determinism is wrong, but they just can't prove it -- is because General Relativity doesn't emerge from Quantum Mechanics, but they both emerge from something more general instead (it sounds strange that we're considering the emergence of Possibilities which themselves by definition exist in the future). The Crystallizing Block Universe theory*** makes this even clearer: there're two regiments which overlap in the present. 

In other words, there're things in the universe which cannot be provided empirically by definition, and will always be a matter of our own individual subjective experiences and, as a result, believes. I think it's no coincidence that many physics these days are interested in Buddhism and Zen in particular.


*The Walking Zen - Zen without a Teacher: ZEN FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF QUANTUM MECHANICS - 1

**RRCAT Physicist claims that physics and cosmology are both in crisis because of writing model of universe

***What is time? An astronomer explains the search to find its origin

***The Crystallising Universe

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